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Daring Bakers Challenge - Berry Cheesecake

Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga

*pentru crema
550 g branza proaspata de vaca
150 g smantana
4 albusuri de ou
150 g zahar
esenta de vanilie
*pentru ornat
400 g fructe de padure
1 pliculet gelatina rosie
4-6 lg zahar


 Prima mea provocare Daring Bakers s-a dovedit o provocare pe toate planurile: incercarea de a face ceva demn de grupul de bucatarese talentate de pe DB, lipsa mea de experienta cu dulciurile si prima oara cand faceam un cheesecake. In cele din urma, fortata de dead-line, mi-am luat inima in dinti si am construit aceasta prajitura. Delicioasa!




 Mod preparare:

Incalziti cuptorul si puneti in el o tava adanca, umpluta 3/4 cu apa.


Dupa ce ati faramitat biscuitii in robot si ati topit untul, amestecati ingredientele pentru crusta, pana cand obtineti un aluat omogen.
Intindeti acest aluat in forma de tort si apasati bine cu o lingura pentru a-l nivela.
Puneti-l la rece si intre timp pregatiti crema.
Amestecati branza cu smantana si cu spuma batuta de albusuri. Adaugati zahar si esenta de vanilie. Puneti acest amestec in forma de tort, peste crusta deja pregatita.
Inveliti cu grija forma de tort cu folie de aluminiu. Puteti folosi si doua randuri pentru siguranta si pentru a evita apa sa ajunga la aluat. Introduceti forma de tort in apa si lasati in cuptor aproximativ 40 de minute.
Opriti focul si lasati prajitura sa se raceasca in cuptor pentru a evita craparea.
Separat, pregatiti fructele de padure dupa indicatiile de pe plicul gelatinei. Cand s-a racit prajitura, turnati fructele de padure si lasati la frigider minim 2 ore.

This is my first Daring Bakers Challenge (hosted by Jenny, from Jenny Bakes) and it was a challenge on many different levels. First of all I felt the pressure of baking something beautiful for the exquisite group of bakers I joined, secon - I was never good at baking desserts and third - I have never made a cheesecake before!
So, when I finally started the challenge, this is what I came up with.
The ingredients were:
*for the crust
180 g graham biscuits
100 g butter
3 tbl sugar
*for the cream
550 g fresh cottage cheese
150 g sour cream
4 egg whites
150 g sugar
vanilla extract
*for decorations
400 g berrys
4-6 tbl sugar
1 Preheat the oven and prepare the water for the water bath.
2 Grind the biscuits and melt the butter. Mix all the ingredients together and place the crust into the cake pan and push it with the back of the spoon to obtain a compact crust. Let it cool while you prepare the cream.
3 For the cream mix together the cheese, cream and the beatten egg whites, adding the sugar and the vanilla. When it is ready, place it over the crust.
4 Wrap carefully the cake pan and place it in the hot water. Let it bake for 40 minutes, then turn off the heat and let it cool in the oven so that the crust won"t break.
5 In the meantime, prepare the berry sauce according to the indications on the gellatine package.
6 Pour the sauce over the cooled cake and put it in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
I was surprised of how delicious this cake is and I am delighted that due to DB I got to discover it. It is a delicate and soft cake, easy to make, ideal for a family gathering or for fancy guests. And you have so many options to play with, that I assure you that every time you cand make a completely new cheesecake!



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