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Quick And Simple Mini-pizzas - Mini Pizza Rapide

Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga


Another item for the birthday party: mini-pizzas, the kids absolutely adored them. The advantage of this dough is that it doesn't need to rise, due to the quantity of yeast, so there is no waiting time. This is one of Afrodite's recipes and I'm really sorry I didn't have time for it until now!

Un alt preparat pentru ziua domnisoarei mele: mini-pizza, pe care copiii le-au adorat. Avantajul acestui aluat este ca nu trebuie dospit datorita cantitatii de drojdie folosite, deci nu pierdeti vremea asteptand sa creasca. Reteta apartine Afroditei si imi pare tare rau ca n-am facut-o pana acum!

- 500 gr flour
- 14 gr active dry yeast
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 5 tablespoons olive oil
- 250 ml water (or milk)
Avem nevoie de:
- 500 gr faina
- 14 gr drojdie uscata
- 1 lingurita sare
- 1 lingurita zahar
- 5 linguri de ulei de masline
- 250 ml apa (sau lapte)

Dissolve the yeast with sugar in lukewarm water (or milk, if using)
Dizolvati drojdia cu zaharul in apa calduta (sau lapte, daca folositi)

In a big bowl add the flour, the salt and the olive oil
Intr-un castron mare puneti faina si uleiul de masline
Add the yeast mix and knead very well until a dough is formed (I used again the KA)
Adaugati amestecul de drojdie cu apa (lapte) si framantati bine pana ce aluatul se desprinde de peretii vasului si nu se lipeste de maini (eu am folosit robotul)
Oil the surface on which you'll roll the dough into shape (I used my glass cutting board again)
Ungeti cu ulei suprafata pe care veti intinde aluatul

Roll the dough into a rectangular shape, then brush over it a thin layer of tomato sauce (I added some dried oregano to the sauce)
Intindeti aluatul intr-o forma dreptunghiulara si puneti peste el un strat subtire de sos de rosii (eu am adaugat si niste oregano uscat)
Add the toppings you like - I used shredded cheese (Swiss and Gruyere) and prosciutto, then on top of the prosciutto more cheese

Puneti pe pizza ce va doreste inima - eu am folosit un amestec de branza Swiss si Gruyere rasa, prosciutto, si deasupra inca un strat de branza
Now starting from one larger edge, carefully roll the dough tightly
Rulati strans si cu grija aluatul
Cut into 1/2 inch thick slices, lay on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and bake in the pre-heated oven at 375F for 20-25 minutes.  I also brushed the tops with a little bit of tomato sauce mixed with a couple of drops of olive oil.
Taiati ruloul in felii de 1-2 cm, asezati intr-o tava acoperita cu hartie de copt si introduceti in cuptorul preincins la 180 grade Celsius pentru 20-25 minute. Eu am uns mini-pizzele cu un amestec de sos de rosii si cateva picaturi de ulei de masline.

This is what was left out of about 40 mini-pizzas. They hold very well and are equally tasty when reheated. Enjoy!
Asta a ramas din aproximativ 40 bucati. Tin foarte bine si sunt foarte bune si reincalzite. Pofta mare!