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Friptura De Vita Cu Legume (roast Beef With Vegetables)

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Multa lume evita sa faca friptura de vita pentru ca in final iese foarte tare. Daca, insa, folosesti carne de buna calitate si nu lasi prea mult carnea la cuptor, friptura trebuie sa iasa excelenta.
Ca sa fii sigura ca friptura e bine facuta, cel mai bine e sa-ti cumperi un termometru special. Se infige in centrul bucatii de carne si se baga in cuptor odata cu ea. Pentru o friptura bine facuta, temperatura carnii trebuie sa ajunga la aproximativ 80 C. Pentru o friptura rozalie (sau medium cum zic englezii) temperatura e de 70 C, iar pentru una in sange temperatura este de 60 C.
Daca nu ai termometru, e mai greu sa iti dai seama cand friptura e gata, pentru ca depinde de tipul de carne folosit si de grosimea bucatii de carne. Pentru muschiuletul de vita in sange, timpul de coacere este de 40 minute pe kg + 20 min. Pentru friptura medie 50 minute pe kg + 25min, iar pentru friptura bine facuta 60 min pe kg + 30 min.

Sa revenim acum la fripturica mea.

  • 1 kg muschi de vitel
  • 4 morcovi mari
  • 1 ceapa
  • 5 catei de usturoi
  • sare, piper dupa gust
  • 2 linguri ulei de masline


Cum se face:

  • Scoate carnea din frigider cu 4-5 ore inainte de a o prepara, ca sa ajunga la temperatura camerei.
  • Incalzeste cuptorul tare, la 200 C.
  • Taie morcovii si ceapa rondele, Daca sunt mari, taie cateii de usturoi in doua. Pune legumele pe fundul unei tavi nu foarte mari,  care sa cuprinda carnea.Toarna 100 ml de apa si presara 1 lingurita de sare.
  • Leaga carnea cu sfoara din loc in loc, ca sa-si pastreze forma. Unge carnea cu ulei si presar-o cu piper (nu cu sare). Pune carnea deasupra legumelor.
  • Pune tava in cuptor si lasa 30 minute. Dupa aceasta redu temperatura la 180 C si coace inca o ora, pentru o friptura bine facuta. Din cand in cand stropeste carnea cu sosul format.


  • Scoate tava din cuptor si acoper-o cu o folie de aluminiu. Lasa friptura sa se odihneasca 20 de minute inainte de a o taia. Dupa aceasta taie sfoara cu o foarfeca si cu un cutit bine ascutit taie felii din friptura.


  • Serveste friptura cu  sosul de legume format in tava si cu garnitura de cartofi frantuzesti

English version:

Many avoid roasting beef, because finally the meat comes out dry and hard to chew. But if you use good quality meat and do not leave it too much in the oven, roast has to come out excellent.
To be sure that you have a good roast, it is best to buy a special thermometer. Put it into the center of meat, where it is the thickest. For a well done roast, the temperature must reach about 80 C. For a medium one temperature is 70 C, and for a rare one temperature must reach only 60 C.
If you don't have a thermometer, it's hard to know when your roast is done, because it depends on the type of meat used and the thickness of the pieces of meat. For tenderloin, rare: cooking time is 40 minutes per kg + 20 min, medium: 50 minutes per kg + 25min,  well done:60 min per kg + 30 min.
So now, back to my roast.
  • 1 kg of beef tenderloin
  • 4 large carrots
  • 1 onion
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

How To:
  • Remove the meat from the refrigerator 4-5 hours before preparing it, to reach room temperature.
  • Preheat oven at 200 C.
  • Slice carrots and onion. If large, cut the cloves in half. Put vegetables in a not very large tray. Pour  100 ml of water and sprinkle a teaspoon of salt.
  • Tie meat, with cooking string, from place to place to keep its shape. Brush the meat with oil and sprinkle it with pepper (not with salt). Put the meat over vegetables.
  • Put the pan in the oven and cook for 30 minutes. After this reduce temperature at 180 C and cook for another hour for a steak well done. From time to time sprinkle the meat with the sauce formed.
  • Remove the pan from oven and cover it with aluminum foil. Allow roast to rest 20 minutes before cutting. After this cut the rope with scissors and slice the steak with a sharp knife.
  • Serve the meat with vegetables sauce and french potatoes as side dish.


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