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Gnocchi Cu Broccoli, Masline Si Stafide / Broccoli, Olives And Raisins Gnocchi

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1 bucata de praz
un buchetel de broccoli
cateva masline taiate feliute
cateva stafide
melcisori/spaghete/gnocchi sau alte paste
sare, piper, ulei de masline
1 lingurita de bulion
2 catei de usturoi
Broccoli desfacut in bucati se opareste in apa fiarta.
Prazul se taie feliute si se caleste in ulei de masline, intr-o tigaie mare/wok. Se adauga maslinele feliute, usturoiul si stafidele. Se pun si 2 linguri de apa in care a fiert broccoli.


Se adauga broccoli fiert si 1 lingurita de bulion. Se pune sare si piper. Se pun si pastele fierte al dente. Se mai lasa 2 minute pe foc.
Se serveste cu parmezan deasupra (mozzarella la mine in lipsa). E bun rau, pe cuvant! :)
Ingredients: 1 leek - white part only, chopped, 1 head of broccoli, a hadnful of olives - sliced, a handful of raisins, 1 lb pasta cooked according to package directions, 2 cloves garlic peeled and minced, salt, pepper, olive oil, 1 tbsp of tomato pure, parmesan cheese

Method: Scald broccoli in hot water then drain. In a large saucepan saute the leek in olive oil, add the olives, the garlic, the raisins and 2 tbsp of water. Boil for a few minutes then add the broccoli, the tomato pure, salt and pepper. After another 5 minutes add the pasta. Stir well and serve with parmesan cheese on top.

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