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Tort Batman (batman Cake)

Daca iti place reteta prezentata da un like pe butonul din stanga

This week-end I've been a "little" busy... I worked a lot but it worth it! I've made two cakes for two special guys that I care about a lot: a great dad and his clone:-)))). I had so much fun a their party - yep, I worked but I had fun, too.

Bottom line: a Batman cake for the youngster aaaaand a naughty one for his father :-))
Am avut un sfarsit de saptamana putinel cam aglomerat...Am muncit ceva, dar a meritat pe deplin! Am facut doua torturi pentru doua persoane dragi mie: pentru un tatic grozav si clona lui :-))) .

Asadar, un tort batman pentru junior si un tortulet mai...deosebit pentru tatic. La Multi Ani cu sanatate, dragior!!!!

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